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  • Bravo Zulu 1775 - Nice but Overpriced!

    This version offers some great improvements over Office 2007: Customizable ribbons and the File tab instead of the MS Button (which confused everyone), combined with improved graphics and font options are fantastic!! Office 2010 combines the best of older versions (2003, etc.) with the best of 2007. It would be a real winner except . . . .

  • Mrs. Davis - Nothing to write home about...

    I didn't really enjoy this product and did not find it to be overly effective. My scars are not new and they are not really noticeable, so I don't feel there was a lot for this cream to do here but I do not see a difference after using this bottle. Plus, the smell isn't that great. It's a thinner formula, but not in a good way. Does absorb well. I appreciate what the company is trying to do, just not a fan of this product in particular. Would not buy again, but am not sorry I tried it.

  • Marsha Solomon - Works really well

    I'm on some medications that cause me "digestive problems". I used a number of "commercial relief" products but they all caused me cramps and sometimes unpredictability. Colon Cleanse is soooo much better! It is effective and painless relief.

  • J. Vargas - Semi Health nut

    This book tells it like it is. It'll change the way you live life without medication. It has taken my sweet tooth away, in a good way.

  • C. Stebbing - So I was excited to find this as a quick and easy download. I'm not sure if I will make ...

    I a big harry potter fan. So I was excited to find this as a quick and easy download. I'm not sure if I will make any of the recipes but it's fun looking at them