HisWay.biz - Mangosteen Fruit and Juice - scientific research and info about the anti-inflamatory anti-oxidant power of Xanthone-rich mangosteen fruit.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • missmel - Works Really Well!

    So pleased. This seriously made a frantic difference. Summer's get quite warm where I live and I wanted to keep my car cool and protect my leather interior. Fits perfectly on my 2014 EX-L. A bit bulky to hide in the back seat, I used it religiously on warm days. Also good for privacy of you like taking naps at lunch.

  • Joyce M. Dodd - A Great Chair!!

    After downsizing and selling our weight set, Schwinn exercise bike, BowFlex, and treadmill, I looked for a simpler and effective way to keep in shape without taking an entire room to set up a home gym again. While another chair of this type caught my eye on a TV ad, research proved that was not of the quality I wanted. After finding this chair and checking out reviews, I bit the bullet, and could not be happier!! It is well constructed and VERY simple to use. I put the included chart in front of me where I can see it as I use the chair.

  • Fredia - Works more than just the thighs.

    Its sturdy, well made and most important it does the job. It takes a lot of workouts to out grow this thigh master. It has worked for a bladder leak, a drooping bladder. for tightening much more than my thighs. My son was using it for his arms before he left for the Marines. Really good product.

  • I Love Dogs - If you loved watching as a kid

    If you loved watching as a kid...and still watch reruns you will love this. You will learn haw they both started and I never knew about Desi's life in Cuba. Very good read. Could not put it down

  • J-Dub - Very Good Soap

    My son contacted Hand, Foot & Mouth disease this past summer from my in-laws kids (of course their side and not mine) anyway, his toe nails started to turn green and get transverse ridges on them. Unbeknownst to us, we thought it was just dirty toenails. So when I looked down to cut his nails they started to peel off, which freaked me out and I tried to get the best thing to kill the nail infection without using pharmaceuticals. So what I did was soaked his feet in a mixture of warm water, this soap and epsom salts for 20 minutes each day for 3 days.

  • Isa Woods - Pimple Free!!!

    I thank God for helping me find this regimen and Daniel Kern for developing it. I've used just about everything on the market and a bunch of home remedies. Nothing works like this. It's sad that a product like this that actually works doesn't get the commercial hype like Proactiv or other mediocre products do. I was at my last straw and ready to look into expensive laser treatments when I found the acne.org regimen. I get so many compliments on my skin and I didn't have to spend any money on a dermatologist or other expensive treatments. Anyway, if your suffering...yes, suffering...from acne, look no further. The Acne.org Regimen is the product line for you!

  • Amazon Customer - God Help Us All. An Absolute Must Read.

    Anyone who is a "Conspiracy Theorist" at some point needs to "connect the dots." This book brings many smaller conspiracy theories into the big picture of one extremely large conspiracy known as the "New World Order."