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HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround Services is one of Melbourne's largest homelessness, housing and support agencies, assisting around 10,000 people each year. Our vision is to end homelessness in Melbourne. Our mission is to get people housed and keep them housed. We work to prevent and end homelessness; create housing and access; advocate for change; and develop strong evidence about what policies and approaches lead to the best long-term housing outcomes. Find out more at

  • Our services | Need our help? | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - The links on the left provide information about access and eligibility for each of our services.   CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR OPERATING HOURS Ho
  • Other services | Need our help? | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - This page provides contact details for other sources of assistance. You can also access information from the Crisis Help Network. Emergency
  • Accessible services information | Need our help? | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround is committed to making as much of our services and organisational information accessible to the whole community as we can. You ca
  • About us | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Vision HomeGround’s vision is to end homelessness in Melbourne. Mission Our mission is to get people housed and to keep people housed. App
  • Our management team | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround has more than 150 staff working across six locations in Melbourne. Every member of staff, regardless of their role, contributes t
  • Our board | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround is governed by a professional board of directors. Our board members have public, private and community sector expertise from a
  • Our partners | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - No individual, organisation or government can end homelessness alone. Achieving this requires a new approach to partnerships and sharing of
  • History | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround's history working with the most disadvantaged and isolated members of our community goes back more than 20 years. George Street,
  • Give us feedback | About us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Feedback We want to receive feedback on our services and organisation. Please use the links below to provide your compliments, comments, co
  • Client stories | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Hear from some of the people we have worked with, in their own words:  Carlee   Jimmy  Maria  Jason  Lorina  Ray  Gypsy  Albert  
  • Preventing Homelessness | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - In order to end homelessness, we need to prevent people at risk of homelessness from losing their grip on housing in the first place. This
  • Ending homelessness | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - The 2006 Census revealed that more than 100,000 Australians experience homelessness on any night of the year. More than 20,000 of these are
  • Creating housing and access | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Two of the biggest problems faced by people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless are the severe lack of affordable housing an
  • Advocating for change | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Through research and gathering evidence, we aim to support our clients more effectively, encourage social and policy change, and champion a
  • Developing evidence | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - We work with government, research academics, corporate and philanthropic partners and the community sector in the areas of research and 
  • Talking Points | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Talking Points is a regular seminar series hosted by HomeGround Services, presenting guest speakers and discussion on important homelessness
  • HomeGround Annual Art Exhibition | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - 2014 Exhibtion HomeGround is pleased to host our annual art exhibition at the Brunswick Street Gallery this November. We have chosen a the
  • Welcome to HomeGround Real Estate | What we do | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - HomeGround launched a not-for-profit real estate agency in early 2014. With over 15 year experience managing in excess of 300 tenancies thro
  • Support our work | Support us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - In July 2015 HomeGround Services and Hanover Welfare Services joined forces to become Launch Housing. Our mission remains to end homelessnes
  • Partnerships | Support us | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - No individual, organisation or government can end homelessness alone. Achieving this will require an unprecedented approach to partnerships
  • Services data | Resources | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Here you will find the monthly demand for our crisis housing assistance services as measured by the number of people registered on our two p
  • Home truths | Resources | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Common myths about homelessness and housing Homelessness in Australia affects more than 100,000 individuals and families every day of the ye
  • Links | Resources | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - This is a collection of relevant links, mainly to organisations working in the areas of housing, support and homelessness. See Web Resources
  • HACC and Homelessness Network | Resources | HomeGround Services - Ending homelessness in Melbourne - Yarra Home and Community Care (HACC) and Homlessness Services provide support services to people within the municipality to remain in their

    Country:, Oceania, AU

    City: 149.1344 Australian Capital Territory, Australia

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