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Country:, South America, BR
City: -46.6289 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Great solid little bike with a good fit for average sized 4-7 year old kids. Theinsturctionsarewrittenlikethiswithoutspacingandfrequentlyrefertoassembliesthatareeithergeneric orhavenothingtodowiththebikeyouareassembling.
Good stuff. I bought this lotion because I had heard that CoQ10 is good at clearing up bruising and those spots one gets on there arms when you get older. I'm a trucker and the sun has taken its toll on my arms. Lately my arms have been bruising easily. I always used Cocoa Butter lotion but it didn't help this bruising issue. Since using this lotion I've been pretty much bruise free. I apply on my forearms at night before going to bed and in the morning before going to work. Been working great. Only drawback is that it does feel a little greasy or moist all day. Doesn't seem to absorb as well as the thinner lotions. Combine this with a sun sleeve and your golden!
Super fast charging. Not sure why but this charged my phone from almost dead to full life in less than an hour. Nicely made, slim design so it fits by my desk. The cords are really well made with protective coating that will help provent bending and breaking. I was sent this charger to test it and I am very satisfied.