به وب سایت شرکت ایران دو چرخ خوش آمدید - شرکت ایران دوچرخ تولید کننده موتورسیکلت های گازی و دنده ای با همکاری فنی و تجاری کشورهای مشهور و بزرگ همچون پژو فرانسه و یاماها موتور ژاپن

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5501 Quebec, Canada

  • Carol A. Berry - Page turner for any Tudor enthusiasts.

    I enjoyed the first person story telling. It made Owen Tudor come alive and humanize do his story. I think though more time could have been spent on the love story between Queen Catherine and Owen. Had I not known the history, I think I would have not had as much empathy for them. Also, the later years, as the War of the Roses approached, more background on the issues that lead to this schism and the Tudors roles up to Owen's death. Perhaps an Epilogue summarizing the outcome and the birth of the Tudor dynasty would have wrapped it all up.

  • Bama Cheryl - Quality Trucks

    These are really quality trucks. My grandson Luke has many of them, but Tristan really wanted one. He likes the fact he got two vehicles - one to do the hauling and the other to haul.

  • D. Kirsten - The best binding discovery in my entire life!

    For a long time I was unaware of how useful this binder was. During the presidential debate however Mr. Romney illuminated to me many new possible uses for such an item. Excited and overjoyed at the possibility of binding women as I deem necessary, I ordered one as soon as the debate ended. With expedited shipping it arrived just two days later in perfect condition. I ordered the white one because, well lets face it true patriots buy white. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was made in America by Avery, not in the job destroying, currency debasing, near Muslim Communist China. A big plus for Avery! Immediately I put on my magical underwear and tried this baby out. Before long I had a wife, a mistress, two female employees who wore burgundy miniskirts and a 65 year old secretary with a scratchy voice who made the best damned coffee ever and never mixed up the phone numbers of my Mistress and my Wife. She was quality.