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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Cannuck - Just bought 3 and now I will return them

    Here is a copy of the chat I had with their Tech. I can't believe they can't resolve this silly issue.

  • She Treads Softly - extremely well researched, thoughtfully written, historical account

    Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother's Quest by Beth Macy is the very highly recommended true story of two African-American brothers who were stolen and shown as circus freaks. Macy summarizes her book as "It's a story about race, greed, and the circus, and I've been chasing it for more than 25 years."

  • Yellow Farmhouse - Second Purchase

    Love this product. This is the second time I have purchased it. Goes on smooth. Not greasy. Doesn't make my skin break out. I use it primarily as a primer before applying Bare Minerals. Sometimes Bare Minerals products tend to look like powder or are drying. Using Miracle Skin transformer as a primer gives you more of an airbrushed appearance- or so I have been told!

  • abhinandan - Just go for it!

    One of the best way to attain conciseness in our writing, truly worth. thank you amazon for giving it for free!!

  • Kathy - What a read!

    What can I say about this book that hasn't already been said? Not a damn thing! I loved it! Absolutely love Penelope Douglas. She is one the best I have ever read! The way she draws the storyline out with the drama, angst, tension and action is absolutely thrilling! I did not want to put the book down. Can't wait to read future works.

  • D. R. D. - 2nd doghouse

    This is my second of these doghouses and both my dogs love them. The youngest of my dogs had a wooden doghouse which she outgrew so she took over the larger house. My older Lab mix was dispossessed so I had to get another. Great price fast delivery and my dogs are happy.