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Abundant Spirituality + codependency recovery + inner child healing= Joy2MeU - Twelve Step Spirituality, codependency recovery/inner child/emotional healing, dysfunctional relationships, Ancient/New Age Metaphysics - site of codependence counselor, grief therapist, Spiritual teacher.

  • Ordering information for books of Robert Burney author of Codependence:The Dance of Wounded Souls - Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls, combines Twelve Step Recovery, Metaphysical Truths, quantum physics, and inner child healing, in Joyous message about emotional healing and Spiritual awakening. Also book on inner child healing formula and on Romantic Relationships
  • Site index for Joy2MeU codependency recovery, inner child healing,Spirituality - Site index for articles about codependency recovery, inner child healing, Spiritual empowerment, New Age Metaphysics, romantic relationships, grief process, 12 step spirituality, and more.
  • New & News for codependency recovery, inner childhealing, Spirituality - New and news page of the Joy2MeU web site of inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney (Spiritual Teacher / codependency counselor / grief therapist / author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls)
  • Phone counseling with inner child/codependency therapist/Spiritualteacher - Telephone Counseling with Robert Burney M.A. - inner child healing therapist, codependency counselor, Spiritual teacher, author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
  • Special Offers for Telephone Counseling, Books, Intensive Training,and subscriptions - Special Offers of telephone counseing with Spiritual teacher Robert Burney - as well as subscriptions to pay to view sections of Joy2MeU web site and copies of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
  • Joy2MeU Journal - Mystical/Metaphysical Spirituality, PlanetaryHealing - During the first seven issues of Joy2MeU~Journal the primary feature will be the publication in installments of Robert Burney's next two books: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light and The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy Book I “In The Beginning . . . .”
  • Dancing in Light - Codependency Recovery - Information about site which contains sophisticated writings - advanced recovery, metaphysics and spirituality - of inner child healing pioneer, Spiritual teacher Robert Burney
  • Intensive Training Day with Robert Burney - An Intensive Training Day in Spiritual Integration formula of inner child healing pioneer, codependency expert, Spiritual Teacher Robert Burney.
  • About the Author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls - Biographical information about Robert Burney, codependence therapist and Spiritual teacher, who is the author of the inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
  • Site Search Engines for Joy2MeU - from Google & FreeFind - Search the Joy2MeU web site of Codependence therapist/Spiritual teacher/author Robert Burney with search engines from google and FreeFind.
  • Inner Child Healing - a path to freedom, serenity, and empowerment - The pages of Spiritual teacher/codependency therapists web site that describe the innovative, powerful tools, techniques, and perspectives which he has developed for inner child healing, codependence recovery, and Spiritual Awakening.
  • Transcendent Spiritual Beings having a human experience - Index of Joy2MeU web pages that focus on the Spiritual belief system of Spiritual teacher/codependence therapist/author of inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality.
  • Alcoholism and Codependence - Two Fatal Diseases - A description of the pages of Spiritual teacher/codependency therapists web site that focus on alcoholism, how codependence relates to alcoholism, and the miracle of the twelve step recovery process.
  • Metaphysical Pages - A New Age of Healing & Joy - Index of Joy2MeU web pages that focus on Metaphysical aspects of the Spiritual Paradigm shared by Spiritual teacher/codependence therapist/author of inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality.
  • Romantic Relationships - impregnated with codependent dysfunctionand toxic love - The pages of Spiritual teacher/codependency therapists web site that focus specifically on Romantic Relationships - including toxic love, dysfunctional dynamics, heartbreak, codependent relationships, and True Love.
  • Miscellaneous Topics/Former Online Columns by codependence counselor/Spiritualteacher - This page contains an index of the pages in the category miscellaneous topics and former online columns of web site of Spiritual teacher/codependence therapist/author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
  • Informational Pages Index of codependency counselor/Spiritual teacherweb site - Informational page of Joy2MeU web site-includes info about inspirational book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls; ordering page; authors Foreword to book; authors bio; reviews; Joy2MeU recommended links; awards and testimonials for the web site; etc.
  • Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving - I freely share so much information on my site because I believe it is my Karmic Mission in this lifetime. I want to share the Joyous message and the precious information that I have discovered - and it is what I need to do for my Recovery and Spiritual Path. It is not such a great strategy when it comes to finances however.;-) So Donations to the Cause / Love Offerings / Spiritual Tithes are always appreciated.

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