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  • La vérification fiscale | Jurifisc - Avocats et fiscalistes au service des entreprises pour assistance lors de vérification fiscale.
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    Country:, North America, CA

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  • S. Wright - What a great little coffee brewer!

    My husband and I are long time French Press users but I switched to decaf and it was complicated to make coffee for both of us with only one pot. I didn't want to buy a second press so I bought the Primula Coffee Brew Buddy and couldn't be happier. Super easy to use; place filter over your coffee cup, add two tablespoons coffee into the filter and pour hot water in to fill. Let brew for a couple of minutes and you've got a deep, rich cup of coffee. Clean up is easy too, just tip upside down over a garbage bin and shake the grounds out. A quick rinse under the faucet and you're done. Will definitely take this camping. It's small and lightweight, perfect for a bike touring trip.

  • Karren - Really works

    I have arthritis. Also I'm an artist who needs respite from sore hands and back. I cut up the small pads to put on my hands around the knuckles and get wonderful fast relief. I've tried the creams but forget some is on my hands and rub my eyes or scratch an itch...ouch! So salon pas fit my bill

  • oreo07 - shampoo

    this is a nice smelling shampoo,lathers just didn't work on my hair,left it heavy and not feeling clean.i have normal hair a little oily at times,so it wasn't forme.

  • Cinn - ... screen protector for my Nvidia shield and am very happy with the product

    I purchased the Intelliglass screen protector for my Nvidia shield and am very happy with the product. The package included everything needed and the instructions were clear. I'm always hesitant to try "dry install" products as they always seem to be lower quality and more susceptible to bubbles. I had no issue with bubbles after the installation, so I was impressed. If I had to offer up one suggestion - I believe the dimensions should be a TINY bit larger, as there is a very tiny amount of exposed area even with good placement. I will definitely give this product a shot for my other devices!

  • Kendra Trimble - Sews like a dream

    Sews like a dream! I haven't had any problems with it yet, and I'm extremely accident prone with sewing machines. (They always end up jammed or broken within 10 minutes of my usage.) And I haven't been easy on it, I've sewn multiple layers of leather with this machine. The instruction manual is actually somewhat readable (a pleasant surprise) and it's user friendly. I really love it.

  • Amazon Customer - It works but...

    I followed the instructions that people gave on here and wouldn't you know my test came back negative. Tasted awful but it did its job. My only suggestion is to take B-12 vitamins the night before the test because I now have to retake it because it was diluted.

  • Lori - It feels kind of weird when you put it on ...

    It feels kind of weird when you put it on. It is messy also so apply it in the bathroom or some where that will prevent you from spilling in it on your clothes or any other material. It comes in a glass bottle that is bubble wrapped and it has two mascara wands for application. you do not need a lot on the mascara wand so the bottle while probably last you at least 6 months if not longer if you apply it every day. I did hear that castor oil makes your eyelashes grow so that is why i wanted to try this out. I have not seen any results yet but I am not expecting an overnight success but hopefully it will work. I have my fingers crossed! (I received this product at a discount in exchange for an honest review)