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Attempted to install the program and received an error message. Went to Hallmark tech help and they said the disk is bad. Shame on Amazon for sending faulty equipment! Too bad I opened it too late to be within the return policy guidelines. I am hoping Hallmark will be more helpful than Amazon! Fair warming - sometimes things are too good to be true.
I really do believe hot gro works! I have really thin spots along my hairline due to years of individual braids. I tried this product and within two-three weeks I really began to see a difference. My hair that had not really grown in years began to thicken up. I've been using it for about a year. The only downsides I've noticed is that if you stop using it my hair doesn't grow like it does when I use it and it is extremely greasy. I usually use it at night and give it a chance for my hair to absorb the product
great dvd, and must have for any card fan that wants to relive the experience. the dvd came to the house quickly and for a great price. product was intact and i have had no problem watching it on several different media players.
I have tried EVERYTHING, WW.. Sensa.. SlimFast.. Nutrisystem... all of it.. nothing like this! I am FULL for a FULL 4 hours. I Prefer the taste. I did have a headache during the fasting, but your body is in a full cleanse. I did experience some hormonal in fluctuations at first, I attribute them to the Soy in the product and the Soy in the Soy milk I was mixing it with. PMS symptoms mostly. The weight is slowly coming of after the initial 8lbs by day 6, but my energy went through the roof. I am sleeping better, and just all around healthier feeling. It is important to move, you are limiting your calories, so your body will store if you dont move. But you will not loose muscle. Got to the website and join the forums, they are very helpful too. It is like most products, it does work if you use it properly. But you cant expect miracles. I prefer this because it makes me full, I do not crave sweets anymore, and it is all natural
I was advised to use Biotene toothpaste for dry mouth and it helped so I added the mouthwash that helped even more. When they came out with the new PBF products I switched to them. After many years of having dental hygienists scrape tarter from under my gums, hurt them and make them bleed, lecture me, and "advise" that I use floss (which I had been religiously doing), I got my first ever report that my gums were much improved, there was no more bleeding, no more "large gaps" between gum and tooth, and she barely needed to scrape at all. I was switched from a 3 to a 6 month schedule and I'm hoping for even longer intervals in the future. It tastes "different" and I don't find it at all unpleasant. I especially like that it doesn't sting my tongue like the astringent mouthwashes do. I use it "as directed", am thankful that it's saving my gums and teeth, and I'm glad Amazon saves me some money in the process.