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  • Dunderhead - Much improved over last year!

    For 2014 this calendar has a clean fresh look, having eliminated the colored graphics that distracted from the cartoon in previous years. But the most important improvement is the elimination of the useless "bonus content" that formerly blighted the back of each page. Now the page backs are blank (the way they were years ago) and can be used as notepaper. THANK YOU!

  • I. Dordal - a MUST for anyone with cancer!

    This book gave me HOPE and a plan of action a few months ago, as I have breast cancer that has metastasized throughout my body. The surgeon who diagnosed me suggested that I purchase the book Death And Dying (don't ever believe your doctor, as only God knows His plans for you) but an acquaintance recommended A Cancer Battle Plan. Ann Frahm has been through the worst of it and survived. Now with her plan, combined with only 2 doses of chemo, I'm almost completely cancer free. Again, Ann gave me so much hope, and that's what people need more than anything when they get diagnosed. Since one out of two people are getting cancer, I highly recommend this book to everyone... that way you don't have to scramble to get information if you, your friends, or family get diagnosed. I'm thoroughly convinced that this plan of action could save the large majority of people with cancer, but people just aren't getting their hands on this type of information. The follow up book, A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook, is also most helpful in order to detoxify the body.

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  • S. Holsinger - The cheaper & better option than hiring housekeepers!

    I live in the desert. We can never keep up with the dirt and dust. It exhausted me just thinking about the hours of sweeping/vacuuming & mopping every week and still the bottom of your feet/socks collect crusts of dirt after walking around the house. WE considered hiring a cleaning lady to help us out. Then I thought of buying one of these robots. I was hesitant because of the price, but once had one for a small room years ago until I broke it (it was my fault I took it apart and didn't put it back together correctly) and it did a great job and the reviews are still great. So, I skipped out on my indulgences (to the hair salon, nail salons, and starbucks trips) to buy this. It's been 3 weeks now since i bought and I'm SOOOO happy I purchased this robot... It really does a fabulous cleaning job to the entire house! I never thought I'd be able to walk around a clean floor, now I love being in my house and I feel like I have a handle on my house cleaning again. Thanks iRobot!