Sfaturi medicale MedicAS - Revista medicala - Revista medicala MedicAs ofera sfaturi medicale din cele mai variate domenii de medicina si lifestyle. Sfaturi medicale importante pentru o sanatate de fier.

  • http://www.medicas.ro/despre-noi/ Despre MedicAS - revista medicala MedicAS - MedicAS - asul în medicină Ne dorim să arătăm bine. Ce înseamnă asta? Să fim sănătoşi. Ne dorim să fim fericiţi, plini de viaţă, plini de
  • http://www.medicas.ro/revista/ Răsfoieşte revista - revista medicala MedicAS - Răsfoieşte-mă, dragă cititorule, sau, cum ar spune americanul, acordă-mi prezumţia de nevinovaţie şi apoi tu vei avea ultimul cuvânt, decizia va fi a
  • http://www.medicas.ro/contact/ Contact - revista medicala MedicAS - Dr. Anca Sava Telefon: 0722.822.992 Sunt medic specialist radiolog, kinetoterapeut si asistent universitar la Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport,
  • http://www.medicas.ro/altele/anunt-concurs-manager-spitalul-clinic-de-urgenta-pentru-copii-louis-turcanu-timisoara/ ANUNT CONCURS - Manager - Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Louis Ţurcanu” Timişoara. - MedicAS - Municipiul Timişoara organizează concurs pentru ocuparea funcţiei de manager - persoană fizică pentru Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Louis
  • http://www.medicas.ro/altele/anunt-concurs-manager-spitalul-clinic-de-boli-infectioase-si-pneumoftiziologie-dr-v-babes-timisoara/ ANUNT CONCURS - Manager - Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infectioase si Pneumoftiziologie „Dr.V.Babes” Timişoara - MedicAS - Municipiul Timişoara organizează concurs pentru ocuparea funcţiei de manager - persoană fizică pentru Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infectioase si
  • http://www.medicas.ro/investigatii-analize-medicale/ Investigatii Si Analize Medicale - MedicAS - Analize medicale - articole MedicAS despre investigatii medicale si interpretare analize medicale.
  • http://www.medicas.ro/sanatatea-pe-larg/ Sanatatea Pe Larg - MedicAS - Sanatatea ta - sfaturi medicale despre sanatatea reproducerii, sanatatea alimentatiei…
  • http://www.medicas.ro/tratamente-naturiste/ Tratamente Naturiste - MedicAS - Medicina naturista - sfaturi medicale despre tratamente naturiste, produse, remedii, terapii sau retete naturiste.

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  • Margaret P Breen - AWESOME Scour Off

    This is the best product on the world to clean mean stains on ovens, bathtubs and even my Chevy 07 HHR

  • kblaw - Don't spend the money on the 2013 edition

    This is basically the same as of the 2012 edition. The authors failed to wait for the tax changes created by the "fiscal cliff." Why put out a 2013 edition if it is not going to reflect the signigicant changes which occurred in 2012?

  • JB knows - Nice learning pad - very versatile

    We've had our leap pad since it came out, but I waited to write a review so that I could see how it was liked by 5yo DD, and how durable and kid friendly it turned out to be. Overall, DD enjoys it a lot. 13yo DD also plays it when she sees a new game has been added.

  • ALEX - HORRIBLE! is less than one start possible.?!?!

    Proactiv was ordered by myself last summer to treat some acne problems I was having.....little did i realize that it would completely ruin all of my sheets and pillow cases/blankets due to the bleach stains that I noticed within the first 2 days of using this treatment. There are white bleach marks on all of my pillow cases and any other blankets or sheets that I had on my bed due to the treatment. Not only did it completely dry out my skin as well, proactiv worked for a week and then stopped working altogether. This is a terrible product and my friends who have used it experienced the same thing, bleaching sheets and beyond healthy dry skin after using this product. DO not use! I suggest nutrogena instead. Having been using their face-wash from the pharmacy (on shelf) since this terrible situation with proactive and its not only cheaper, but it works amazing. Skin is never dry and there is ONE step! it is amazing!

  • hiredgoon - Great Product, Great Value

    Super light, great waterproofing, compatible, good fit. Perfect for traveling if you want something to keep with you in case you need rain protection, but don't want to spend a ton of money like many other rain jackets are. Love how it folds into itself, takes up very little space, is very lightweight, and is much cheaper than other brands without sacrificing quality. Very minimalist.

  • Steven A. Malinowski - I used One Lube on the bathroom door years ago ...

    I used One Lube on the bathroom door years ago. For years afterwards the door would close itself under force of gravity. Nothing else I tried would cause that (due to exceptional lubrication). It got rid of the squeaks, too. I'd use it on cabinet hinges for squeak-free results. I now plan to use it to lubricate my motorcycle cables and motorcycle drive chain.