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Blog de aviación - Noticias y negocios aéreos - Negocios aéreos es un blog de noticias de aviación e información profesional del sector aeronáutico mundial. Aeropuertos, aerolíneas y mucho más!

  • Aerolíneas - Esta es la categoría dedicada a las Aerolíneas. Conoce todas las compañías aéreas, con sus servicios y prestaciones, los diferentes destinos, sus flotas, su
  • Aeronaves - En la categoría de Aeronaves, podrás conocer todos los vehículos que integran las diferentes flotas de las compañías aéreas del mundo y que se emplean para
  • Destinos - Información útil a la hora de viajar a todas partes del mundo. Descubre que aeropuertos y ciudades son las más cómodas y cualquier conviene evitar.
  • Eventos - Cobertura de eventos, exhibiciones, ferias y todo lo relacionado con el mundo aeronaútico.
  • Finanzas - Conoce todo sobre la economía aérea y el funcionamiento de los negocios aéreos.
  • Medio Ambiente - Información sobre aeronaves ecológicas y el impacto de los viajes aéreos en el medio ambiente.
  • Regulaciones - Aprendes los reglamentos concernientes a equipaje de mano, sustancias no permitidas, etc.
  • Seguridad - Aquí te hablaremos de las normas de seguridad aéreas, análisis de accidentes, tecnología de seguridad áerea, entre otras.
  • Viajar en avión - Descubre maneras de hacer tu viaje más placentero y aprende como evitar situaciones desagrables y molestas.
  • Como aumentar el margen de ganancia por pasaje? - Todo suma. Y todo lo que se pueda hacer para aumentar el margen al mismo tiempo que se mejora la experiencia rinde ganancias.
  • Como abrir una agencia de viajes? - No es nada fácil, no, claro que no. Pero nosotros explicamos un poco el concepto y las dificultades de atreverse.
  • 3 tendencias en la aviación en 2015 - Cuales son las tendencias para este año que las aerolíneas y los aeropuertos no deben dejar pasar.
  • Precio del petroleo y estrategias de las aerolíneas - Como cambiarán las aerolíneas sus etrategias frente a la caída del precio del petróleo? Opine.

    Country:, North America, US

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  • HappyHubby - A military endorsement

    I have served in the US Army for over 12 years. I can say that there is technology being used by the military that is rarely seen in the civilian sector. Once in a while, however, an amazing product is released by the DoD for civilian use. The 571B is one of those products. Although once called the M571B Tactical Banana Slicer (TBS)V1, they have declassified it for public use. I am glad to see this product on the market today but I will warn you now, this is a CIVILIAN model and not designed for field use!

  • Yet another Whitney - what i can tell you is that this is my second Samsung (the other lives on in another room) and they make amazing TVs. This one

    I'm not an audiofile or a telepfile or any sort of expert. I can't give you any tech talk, what i can tell you is that this is my second Samsung (the other lives on in another room) and they make amazing TVs. This one, with the worlds most SIMPLE remote, is my favorite yet. I dont know who would be unhappy. Huge fan.

  • Oscar Fernandez - Works Fine on phones and Tablets.

    I bought this battery for charge my phone the Lg G4 works great when you use it the device will say "Fast Charge". On another device you can charge big devices like the Ipad 2 (Yes an Old iPad) also works great no problem at all, I can say this I can charge like 3 times the Lg phone (Lg G4) that phone have a 3000mhA battery in teory the battery fully charge still have energy not a lot but I guess you can also recharge now a small device the Ipad have a bigger battery it can charge it but that take more time I think is faster charge it using a wall charger, in my final experience the battery need like 6 or 7 hours to fully charge (I think is a good speed since the battery capacity is a little bit high) .

  • Christine Springer - Complete Waste of Time

    I ordered this product directly from the Neat website. I received it on a Saturday, couldn't install it, and there was no telephone number to call to ask for help. I sent an e-mail through the website, and did not receive a response until Tuesday. Their support response did not resolve the issue and on Wednesday I decided to return it. I might be asking too much for something like a scanner to work right out of the box, but I wasted several hours of time messing around with failed installations and days waiting for a technical support response. It's not worth the trouble.

  • Duchess of Dreams - My new fave headphones

    I'm loving these. Paired quickly with my iPhone 4s and the middle (Goldilocks)size feels great in my ears and solid. Sound is good too, maybe because I am not always fidgeting with trying to seat the buds better. I wish my iPod shuffles had bluetooth so I could use it with them. When I'm stacking firewood I have to wrap the long cords of my conventional ear buds around my neck a couple of times and hook the iPod to my hat and I still catch the cords and rip the buds out a few times. Now I will use these and listen to the tunes on my phone. SO cool. Also you could easily use just the right bud and hang the left one if you wanted to do the one ear phone thing and hear the surroundings as well. I could use a similar ear piece for my other bluetooth ear pieces that I use for the phone as well. I may not use the others ever again or only when this one is charging. I couldn't see any questions that answered this so I will just say that you can stop and start music, answer and hang up calls, redial the last number, mute the mic and back and forward tracks besides the obvious volume up and down. This the the one!

  • Mike - Good pan

    Understand that I purchased this for baking items that might otherwise destroy a coated pan - not jelly rolls.. Wanted something I could scrape clean without caring about potential damage. It started warping after about 5 uses, but is pretty much flat when in the oven.

  • Darkwing Duck - Economic perspective solid, but SEVERELY naive on Islam.

    While I definitely appreciate the economic perspective and clearly articulated criticisms of central bank policy, I find the author quite off base on a few issues. We're essentially told that there's no domestic crime wave (wrong, and the FBI stats are only part of the equation, not the whole view) Islam isn't a pressing threat (please), we can trust the Iranians, and Israel should solve the world problems by partitioning itself. Yawn. Lofty libertarian ideals devoid of concrete reality. The economic sections of the book are good to go, but that's where it ends.