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The only good thing about this is that the case holds things just well enough if you close it quickly and hold it tightly, it makes it feasible toss the whole thing in the trash at once. The sockets are 'not quite right' in size. Pretty close and mostly usable but not quite right. Then there's the ratchet...which doesn't ratchet. Might get one turn out of it before it locks up. If the sockets attached to it or the extension properly, it would still almost be usable. But they don't. I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for but this is something that would get rare use to assemble things like furniture and a ratchet isn't exactly a high-tech device. Honestly, I was expecting more low quality as opposed to no quality. I can't recommend enough that this be avoided even if you have the very minimal use case in mind for this and thinking that it "can't be that bad", I assure you that it can.
Like everyone else, I was contemplating buying either this ball, and the molten flistatec one. Since many of our men's volleyball players had the Flistatec one, and I was still on the fence between the two, I thought I'd add a bit more diversity into the ball choices.
Don't waste your money on this blender. We used it 15 times to blend since we bought it. We did not chop ice or abuse it. Now it is dead! We had an Oster blender for over 30 years and it still worked when we bought this plastic piece of junk. Of course now it out of warranty but from what I read there IS NO WARRANTY If you buy through Amazon beyond the 30 day return policy. Gee I wonder why they don't warranty their product? I'm searching for a new blender. It won't be a Ninja.