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If you are looking for a high end monitor for gaming or editing high resolution photos, this isn't your monitor ... But it's close. I purchased this monitor without many expectations, but this one proved me wrong. I am currently using this one in conjunction with my Benq gaming monitor and I am VERY pleased. This monitor is used for editing my captured online games for YouTube and for the money? It can't be beat.
We can't speak highly enough of IC3D's filament, as well as their printers. We have one at the Columbus Idea Foundry, and use it daily. (In fact, IC3D printed a special bracket on the machine in the shape of our company logo - a great surprise to us when they delivered it!) The printer worked out of the box the day we bought it, and the few questions we have had since we've started using it (mainly to do with software settings) were addressed nearly instantly by their support staff. This filament keeps us printing!
I guess I should have looked closer at the item description. I bought this calendar in June 2016, it expires in July 2016.