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  • Cynthia Larochelle - Not up to par

    Unhappy with quality, thin and watery. Have purchased thru original company and worked very well. This was a major disappointment. I would not buy again.

  • Forever29 - The jury is out on this one...

    I am afflicted with a very mild form of cold sore. In fact, most people will not notice or see when I have an outbreak, which is pretty infrequent, maybe only once a year or so. Instead of a tell-tale sore, or cluster of sores, I get several tiny bumps, more so resembling white heads but slightly smaller. Anyway, because mine are so small and mild, and relatively pain-free though mildly itchy, and because I purchased and use this product at the very first signs, I expected that this product would have no trouble eradicating my outbreak based on it's claims. The first day I applied it 5 times a day as directed. The second and third day, I slacked off a bit but applied 3-4 times daily. It was on the third day that I noticed my outbreak worsen instead of improve. Although still largely unnoticeable to the casual eye, I noticed that another section of my top lip (that was previously clear) now had tiny bumps. I continued to use this product through day 7 despite that my condition only seemed to worsen. Add to that, this stuff immensely dried out my lip which seemed to make my small bumps way more noticeable. If anything, it seemed as if the product seemed to spread the outbreak around to a section that has never erupted with tiny bumps. By day 7, I wanted to give up on this product, and I was so tired of the dryness and the white-ish cast it left on my lips that I was ready to call it quits. But before I did, after a little internet research I began to apply hydrogen peroxide to my lips before I added a combination of campho-phenique and Abreva. I also overdosed on vitamin c tablets and L-Lysine vitamins. Literally, that night, the tiny bumps were all but gone. The next day, I continued this regimen for good measure though the sores were largely gone. My point here in this review, is that it really took a combination of things to rid myself of cold sores, even as a mild sufferer. So I'm not sure that Abreva is even worth it's cost since it seemed to only make things worse on it's own. Though it is possible that the other things I tried along with the passage of time seemed to alleviate my cold sore, considering that (based on my research) cold sores typically last 10-14 days, I'd say 7 days is a vast improvement. I'm just not sure that Abreva contributed to this or if it had been the combination of all the other things I tried. What I can say with relative certainty is that it definitely did not clear up my outbreak on it's own and so it is definitely not a miracle in a tube. And because my sores are so small and mild, I'd imagine that it might be of less use for the common brand of cold sore. Bottom line: Give it a try to see if it works for (but I 'd advise being careful not to spread the product on unaffected areas lest you spread the infection) but don't expect a miracle.

  • Blah - About 95% as good as the stock antenna

    About 95% as good as the stock antenna, with a much lower profile. Does fine going through automated car washes - for me at least so far. Plus, it looks cool...

  • Amazon Customer - Not worth it

    Similar to the Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend I also completely disliked this product. They claim to give you more energy and help with acne issues. Well it did neither...if anything do not substitute it for your vitamins but rather use it in conjunction with them. Preferably though, you're better off not using them at all considering they cost quite a bit for little or no benefit. I still have all three bottles on my desk. I suppose I'll throw them out.

  • Chuck Shrader - Bad Product Key

    Like others, I received a product key that only worked for a short time. Now Microsoft tells me the key is for a totally different product. I've tried contacting the seller, but I get no response. Avoid this seller!

  • G. Liao - Great for all types of pain...

    I really like the idea of a pain patch, but in the past have found the actual application to be lacking. This one, however, does work the best of any pain patch I have tried. It has helped with bruises, strained muscles, and even sprains (although don't expect magic!).