Voltaren Emulgel® 1% e 2% Gel: scopri quello più adatto al tuo dolore - Puoi provare Voltaren Emulgel 1% Gel, indicato per i dolori muscolari e cervicali, e Voltaren Emulgel 2% Gel contro dolori articolari e reumatici.

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  • Lynn B - Love, love

    Love, love, love these for hanging pictures and other wall hangings. I live in an apartment and I lived in one apartment complex where they charged people for each nail hole they had in the walls. My current apartments doesn't do that, but it's nice not to have to use nails and by using these it easier to get the pictures and wall hangings up straight. If it's a bit crooked, all you have to do is pull it off and move it instead of leaving several holes.

  • Marga - What I've learned

    I haven't purchased the program, but then again, my bet is that most of the people who gave it 5-star reviews didn't either.

  • Christi Christianson - you guys are ridiculous

    For the person(s) complaining about not getting this mouse pad to unroll flat, be smarter than the mouse pad, roll it up the opposite way it was rolled and stick it back in the box for a while, pull it out and it will lay flat, that easy, thank me later

  • Amazon Customer - Missing piece

    Big pieces makes it easy for kids to put them together. Unfortunately, the set I bought was missing the bottom left piece which left me with an unhappy toddler.