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Waller Wellness Center in Rochester Hills focuses on a New Generation of Healthcare - Want to improve your health and manage illness? The Waller Wellness Center offers comprehensive, patient-centered strategies to help you meet your goals.
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This program SUCKS!! Not at all user friendly and not even close to the capabilities of Streets and Trips. Despite no longer being supported or updated it is still far superior to Street Atlas. The maps didn't have 10 year old streets in the data base.....UNUSABLE!! oney WASTED!!!
I haven't been a big believer in essential oils until staying at a friend's house...a couple of our children got the stomach flu, my friend immediately gave the rest of us (7 people) Thieves oil in water. She put some in water on the stove top, sprayed some around in a bottle of water/thieves...and no more of us got sick!! Since then we were at another friends house and some of their children got sick, we started using Thieves like it was going out of style, none of us that used it got sick! So I think I dare say this works great!
This works better than any other cream I have tried on my son, even prescription creams. They kept giving me scripts thinking it was so bad because of yeast but I knew it was just a very bad rash. My son was screaming in pain, he would not sit down on his poor butt, and he was walking funny. It was hard to see him in so much pain so I was willing to try anything and everything. I found out about Triple Paste on Dr. and found some at a drug store pharmacy. It started working almost immediately. Within less than 2 days his rash he had for over a week that was spreading and bright red was gone. Even though this is hard to find and expensive, it is soooo worth it. I don't know why it's such a secret!!