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  • SierraLover - Incredible PC monitor if you have HDMI 2.0 and don't mind complex setup

    I got this two days ago from Best Buy, and have finally finished tweaking it and troubleshooting issues to end up with the most incredible monitor I have ever seen, let alone bought for a mere $550. I have looked into $750 curved ultra-wides and the $900 Phillips 43" monitor, but I can't imagine anything better than what I'm looking at now. But man, it was a pain to get here. Learn from my pain:

  • Amazon Customer - New style from Bella, New style Dystopia, New style Heroine, New style mysteries....come help Violet solve them....

    I have four main "genre" of books I read First came Murder mysteries with something to solve. then came Paranormal Romance with action and romance combined, after 50 shades I got into the Alpha male romance type books and after watching Divergent when it came out I found I liked Dystopian Society books and sought out those thats initial premise caught my attention (as well as reading both the Divergent and Hunger Hunger Games Trilogy's.

  • Marilyn Robinson - which is tiresome.

    I have some experience using Excel for simple tasks, I found it hard to find the things I needed to enhance my skills in this book. It really works only if I go page by page, which is tiresome.

  • jt1188 - Yesssssssss!!!!!

    My goodness, I loooooooooooooove this ab belt. I had a slendertone abdominal toning belt before and I didn't care for it as it felt like it was shocking me more than stimulating muscle contractions. Well, the Flex Belt is awesome! I have multiple back issues that make it difficult and unpleasant/ painful to train my abs, and I was frustrated because the rest of my body in quite toned. Well, this belt is the answer. I only got up to level 80 on the advanced setting so far and I was sore the next day. Now, let me be clear, this will not make you loose weight, but it will tone, tighten, and build your abdominal muscles without doing sit ups. You will still need to eat right and do cardiovascular exercise to burn off the fat covering your new toned abs. Also, keep in mind the more fat you have covering your abs, the higher the level you will need to use to get the electrical signal to penetrate through the fat to the muscle. Just thought I would mention that in case someone with a bit of weight to loose buys it and wonders why the can almost max out the setting when the first start. The less fat you have the more effective the belt will be. I love it. In fact, I just realized I could be using it now as I write this review lol.

  • Steve Pipenger - A Book that Retails for $97.50 I Bought for Less than $60...and Received in just a few days. Doesn't get better than that.

    What's not to like about a book that retails for $97.50, and I get for less than $60 (including tax and shipping)? This resource is, bar none, one of the best. In addition, the shipper had it to me in just a few days. You can't beat that either. I would order from them (and likely will) in a heartbeat and would recommend anyone else do the same.

  • Mikey muse - Awesome Bible, search features challenging

    Of course the bible and translation is excellent, but searching it can be difficult using Amazon Kindle App (on ipad and ipod). Usually too many results, and you cannot select which book or if you prefer New Testament or Old Testament to limit results of a search. Great to have when reading long passages or complete books on the go.

  • PG Mark - I have used this product in the past. I ...

    I have used this product in the past. I am not sure if it was the exact product as shown here. But it was by the same company from the USA. Lost 25 pounds in 3-4 months. Have kept the weight off since and it has been 3 years since I lost the weight.