Milwaukee Urgent Care | Walk-in Clinic | Fast, Affordable Health Care - No appointment needed, walk in to Wisconsin Urgent Care to get well-treated in a fast, affordable way! Choose Urgent Care over the Emergency Room...

Country:, North America, US

City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • Kimberly - Get's the job done...

    It's a decent size bag that is perfect for a weekend traveling trip; however, in the description, it notes that the handles are genuine leather, which is not the case! I'll probably send back for a real leather bag.

  • dperry - This product is amazing..

    This product is amazing...about a year ago I got an email about a free 30 day supply...I was were my wife and kids... I decided its not something i'll use every day as i'm almost 40 and fiancé and the kids and any one i'm around knows i'm very thin in the back.. but i'm getting married in a month and I would like the wedding pics to not include my balding...and so for $40 I got a FULL bottle..90 days.. for $39 dollars.. and again it works so good.. its truly amazing..

  • Ms. O - Absolutely Worth the Money!

    I have been taking ThreeLac for 14 months now, and I am amazed at how much my quality of life has improved. I had a chronic yeast infection that would come back every month for almost 6 years and the doctors kept giving me Difulcan to treat the symptoms, but eventually that stopped working as well. I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but I didn't think that perhaps a yeast overgrowth in my body could be partly to blame for my pain and exhaustion. After seeing a naturopathic doctor, he suggested taking ThreeLac in order to gain control of the yeast issues in my body and combat some of my suffering. I can happily report that I have never felt better in my life! Threelac has been a HUGE lifesaver!!!! If I could shout it from the roof tops I would! About 2 months ago I inadvertantly fell off the bandwagon and failed to take my Threelac on a regular basis. It took me about 2 weeks to realize why I was feeling so horrible again, and I started up taking the Threelac in full force again. This will probably be something that I will take forever with my daily vitamins, but it is well worth it to have my life back! I can happily say that I'm sleeping much better, my aches and joint pain is gone, and the "fog" that used to plague my thought patterns has cleared. This is absolutely the best thing that you can do for yourself if you have yeast overgrowth issues!

  • Keats - I only know enough songs to be annoyed with it

    I used to play guitar several years ago. I've always told myself I would play again, but between work and family its been difficult finding the time. And, the thing is, I only know enough songs to be annoyed with it.