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This book reveals, in a very scholarly manner by one of the most brilliant theology and history minds, the side-by-side roll-out of God's and satan's plans for the world, with emphasis upon the USA. The book works effectively to reveal the hidden occult plan that satan and his cohorts have designed and fulfilled here in America. It links many world religions, Greek mythology, Illuminism, Free Masonry, and modern day politics to this satanic plan. I have been a student of these issues as a citizen of American and as a citizen of God's Kingdom for many years. I especially liked how the author linked the secular historical record to scriptures of the Holy Bible; expanding upon names, places, times, meanings, etc. The book is very current (published 2013) and includes issues related to our current president and the coming anti-Christ. But this book includes much, much, more. As a minister of God in these trying days, one of my greatest concerns for the church is the coming great deception of which the Bible writes. To be fully prepared I suggest to all: 1) Read and know God's word, His Holy Bible; and, 2) Read this book.
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