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  • Judy Collette - A very useful program

    I have used QB on a PC for many years and recently switched to a Mac. The transfer of data was seamless with very few differences. I admit I use very few of the features the program is capable of, but it suits my needs perfectly

  • Robertoe - Stay Away from this product . . after 7 years of dealing with it, still the same crap.

    Holy POS batman! This program is such a PIA to update and maintain. I have used MULTIPLE versions and they can never seem to get it right. ALWAYS some issue you have to deal with. Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.

  • L. MCGAHA - Pan twists in oven

    I bought this product because I wanted a baking pan without a non-stick surface. It was gleaming stainless steel when new, but I've never been able to totally remove all smudgy residue when I clean it. I was quite disappointed to find that the pan twisted in the oven when I baked chicken, although it flattened out after I took it out of the oven. I had hoped it was heavy duty enough not to warp when baking.