Dwayne's Friendly Pharmacy - Online pharmacy & drugstore, prescriptions, health information, custom compounding, hallmark & gift store - Dwayne's Friendly Pharmacy - Bishop California's online pharmacy serving your needs for prescriptions, health & wellness products, health information, custom compounding, hallmark and gifts

Country:, North America, US

City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

  • Lorraine T. - Finally got it to work but it's a terribly buggy program with horrible customer service

    Had to update to this one when we got our new Windows 8 HP desktop since Quicken 2008 (which ran perfectly on our old Windows Vista) would no longer run profit and loss statements (???) on Windows 8.

  • Alex Camh - Be aware, scam

    This phone is a mess. I used to love the first months but now I don't have any signal( I tried 3 conpanies already) and is heaing up and freezing and starting the phone. Also my fingerprins don't work. I can't believe amazon is selling fake phones or damaged phones