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  • Nugent - Don't want to participate online or buy DLC? Tough luck, Ubisoft will harass you until you do (or stop playing)

    This is actually a fun game. Scoring is not really that important to have fun with it, unlike DDR you can't fail a song. But if it is important to you and you have kids, yes the camera has trouble tracking the kids (works fine for adults). if you are really concerned about scoring, reposition your camera and make sure you have good lighting, or get a Move controller. There are some good routines and a decent amount of variety in the playlist. All in all its a Just Dance game consistent with other Just Dance games with similar features.

  • LGilb - and I like this product

    I'm a woman with short hair, and I like this product. Works excellently. My only problem is that it smells very strongly of old spice, which would be a smaller issue for a dude. With other smell good products, it's perfect. I like not paying a pink tax.

  • LauraZ - Exactly what we wanted

    We purchased this monitor for our son who was looking for a second monitor to use along with his laptop. He did some research and decided this HP Pavilion 21.5" was the monitor he wanted based on its features and its price. After it arrived he set it up and said setup was very easy, just a matter of plugging it in and turning it on. He told me the picture quality is exactly as described by the seller. When I asked him if there is anything that he was surprised or disappointed by, he replied that the seller's description represented the monitor exactly so there were no surprises or frustrations when it arrived. He has a fairly good level of knowledge about computers/monitors etc. and has nothing but positive comments about this monitor.

  • Oleg - awesome bag!

    I really love this bag. I have several Timbuk2 bags, in addition to other messenger bags, backpacks etc.