MAKARNA, ANKARA MAKARNA, NUH MAKARNA, MAKARNA ÜRETİCİSİ, NUHUN ANKARA MAKARNA, NUHUN ANKARA MAKARNASI, MAKARNA FABRİKASI, MAKARNA ÇEŞİTLERİ, MAKARNA TARİFLERİ - Makarna, klasik makarna, kelebek makarna, spaghetti makarna, fiyonk makarna ve diğer çeşitleri ile irmik, buğday kepeği ve makarna sosları üreticisi: Nuh’un Ankara Makarnası

Country:, Asia, TR

City: 32.8403 Ankara, Turkey

  • orion1113 - It works, but not the way I need it to

    This works fine, but I wish I did not have to leave my radio (FJammer) on 'Aux' all the time. It will not interrupt your radio stations or CD play so if a call comes in while it's linked to your phone, you have to switch from that input to 'Aux' then hit the button on the Aukey to answer the phone.

  • Reviews from the Heart - ... dangerous story that I couldn’t get enough of and loved reading! Michael isn’t a hero and doesn’t pretend ...

    This is a deliciously dark and dangerous story that I couldn’t get enough of and loved reading! Michael isn’t a hero and doesn’t pretend to be anything more than the jerk that he’s proud to be. He’s got a hard earned and well-deserved reputation for being the one even the worst of the worst call on whenever they need a difficult situation taken care of. He was abandoned by everyone that was supposed to care for him from birth and it’s shaped him into someone that people say has no soul. It’s hard not to fall for the guy when you hear everything he’s been through and no matter how tough he strives to appear on the outside, I found myself just wanting to give the guy a big hug since he’s so much more than he thinks he is. His most recent job has unfortunately put him in the middle of some pretty serious stuff going on and to say everything goes sideways in a big way is quite an understatement. Sofia is a cop and the polar opposite of Michael in every way possible. These two are the perfect example of the belief that opposites attract and I loved them together! This is a highly intriguing story filled with danger around every corner and I loved reading this! I highly recommend this to anyone to read and I look forward to much more from this author in the future.

  • perl - Didn't work

    I am disappointed with this cream. After putting it daily on my new scar for several months, I didn't see any noticeable difference.

  • Amazon Customer - Perfect for Off-Roading

    This was a gift for a Jeep enthusiast. He loved it & within the first week it became super useful in off-road​ situations.

  • Anon - Read It In 1996 - Followed It - Alive Today

    I was diagnosed with medium grade, T-cell, lymphoma(NHL) in October of 1995. I had horrible responses to standard chemotherapy and was ultimately transplanted (autologous BMT) in April of 1996. Everything failed. I finally gave up chemotherapy in November of 1996 after being told by doctors I was incurable. The cancer had spread from my lungs to my peripheral nervous system and skin (CTCL). I started researching ways to help myself. Read many books, one of which was "The Cancer Battle Plan". Yes, the plan does seem a little extreme, but let me tell you, it did get me back on my feet... I followed everything the book outlined regarding the two week detox program (except I couldn't stomach the Tea tree oil). I'm still alive today and actually still have cancer (8 years without remission, and 6 years since giving up converntional therapy)... it is not detectable by any medical test, but I still feel it via neuropathy in my nerves in the lower legs. Since the day I started the "Battle Plans" two week detox my symptoms have slowly and gradually (yet sweetly) receeded. My Oncologists are stumped. I've read some opionions criticising non-conventional therapies for giving patients "false hope" and I just have to say hope may have been and what STILL keeps me alive. Conventional therapy only keeps 50% of all patients alive for 5 years. If you ask me, there isn't "true hope" for any cancer patient. What you do have AND control is the ability to help yourself beyond what your oncologist will subscribe. Nutritional methods of supplementing your battle are NOTHING BUT logical. Conventional methods of cancer treatments are designed to reduce tumor bulk, but they do not remove all the cancer. Your body is what finishes it off, and if it is no shape to do so after cancer and radiation... the cancer comes back with even more vengeance. Did this book cure me? I can't say because I did a lot of other things to help my self out since giving up chemo, but, this book is nothing but valuable to any reader and I've recommeded it to MANY other fellow battlers.

  • R. Smith - It just gets better!

    This magazine, one which I couldn't imagine surviving, continues to thrive and amaze. It's a literate read from cover to cover with new takes on so many foodie subjects and food personalities.

  • Drew & Liz - It light the cat urine up like a Christmas tree

    I have to be honest, when my husband showed me that he bought this flash light I thought he was crazy.... Why did we need a black light flashlight?!? Well, when our outdoor cat got stuck in a back bedroom and I could smell urine, but couldn't find it- then this came in real handy!!! It light the cat urine up like a Christmas tree! I was able to see exactly where she went, and clean all affected areas. It's great!