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    Country:, Europe, CZ

    City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • Kindle Customer - Such fun product

    Great stress relief, super fun to play with, easy clean up. It seems ridiculous to pay this amount of money for "sand" but it's awesome and totally worth it.

  • PA_O's_Fan - Blown away by the display on this very affordable Chromebook laptop

    Many people have reviewed this Toshia Chromebook 2 and have talked about the technical specs and the over all performance. With my 15 years of experience in Information Technology I could do the same but I want to share what makes this stand out from an usability standpoint.

  • Marty - Excelletn 2016 revision

    Works much like prior versions of True Image. Use the options button which is at the bottom of the opening screen to turn off all the cloud crap if you do not want that stuff (I don't), and to set up your scheduled backups. Also, I went into Windows Start up and turn off(disable) all the Acronis stuff that wants to load at start up (most programs do this, Acronis is not alone at this annoying feature).

  • Sergio S. Lamadrid - The best Smackdown vs. Raw game in the series.

    I've had this game since the 17th, and have already maxed it out on achievements. This game is definitly an easy achievement game, a lot easier than 07, 08 or 09. If you're interested in a quick 1000, this could definitly be up your alley.

  • Laurel Dean - Goodbye to my old standby pregnancy test

    I've had three miscarriages and one baby, and I've taken about 100 pregnancy tests over the course of my fertility journey. I've always used First Response, and I knew that a positive-- even if it only showed up with a magnifying glass and flashlight-- was always a positive. This was always with the old flat tests. Now that I'm trying to have another baby, imagine my dismay when every one of these pregnancy tests shows a faint positive. I spent about a week thinking I was pregnant, and thinking that I was going to miscarry because the line never got darker. Turns it I was never even pregnant. What a waste of money and emotional energy.

  • Brigitte - Honest Earth mashed potatoes.

    I like them because they are the 'most natural' store bought mashed potatoes you can get. You have to add your own ingredients though, to it to make them taste better. Of course nothing beats from the scratch made mashed potatoes. But if you are in a hurry, they work fine. I refuse other brands of store bought mashed potatoes because of what is in there. Read the labels - yuk !