- SITECH Southeast Texas - View - SITECH the authorized, Trimble machine control and guidance dealer in SE Texas. CAT Connected worksite solutions

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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Steven Doyle - Great read!

    Took unexpected turns....murder and intrigue without being gory..ended as if there might be a part 2..I guess we'll wait and see

  • misty - Yummy

    I. Used tv his marinate before deep frying my turkey, works great as a pre seasoning . Piebald great for all poultry type meats

  • Walter GrumpyOldGuy Sabian - Best On The Market, Even If It Is "Hecho In China"

    I've had crock pots for decades, even when they were called dutch ovens or whatever. There are many knock-offs and wannabes out there, but the best ones--and safest!--are by Crock Pot. My last one was a smaller version with only one knob and three settings: OFF, MEDIUM, HIGH. It was okay for slow-cooking meals whose temperature could be HOT AS HECK all day, so I didn't mind too much.