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Country:, Asia, IL

City: 34.75 , Israel

  • Review Junkie - Great for my damaged hair

    My hair is a dry thick crazy tangly mess all the time and honestly no normal shampoo can tame it! I assume my crazy damaged hair if from years of repeated coloring since I used to get bored with my hair color fairly easily. I absolutely love this shampoo it is nicely priced and works very well. I highly recommend conditioning after using this! If not your hair will be absolute hell to brush through. This is something I will continue to use for a long long time no doubt!

  • Matthew R. Haines - great product

    I have three cats, one cat that is very shy,one who runs around screaming all the time and one that sometimes goes outside of the litter box. All of the above is now a thing of the past. I really feel this product works great. There are a lot of mixed feelings from vets and online reviewers regarding Feliway.All I can report is how it played a vital roll in my home.