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Country:, North America, US

City: -111.6761 Utah, United States

  • Jose Ernesto Lara Cazares - but I thought it was really good, and I will have some answers

    it was all I expected, but I thought it was really good, and I will have some answers, so all I had was wasted time, but It doesn't matter, this was a good gift to my friend.... and I bought another one "classic design"

  • erchen - Handy

    Can't say too much because we didn't use it a lot, but we transferred some music and it worked fine. It's a very handy item to have.

  • charles E Owens - very good product

    Getting a lot of green nutrients is a good thing and this product fills the bill, you need to drink it with some kind of juice or protein drink etc. because it is very strong tasting, it does give you energy I don't drink it in the evening I tried that and couldn't get to sleep.

  • Dawn Lee - It's so easy!

    Fruit infused water has never been easier! Just cut up some of your favorite fruit, put it in the center infuser tube and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes or longer if you prefer a more intense fruit flavor. I like that the bottle is BPA free. It's also got a snap down lock on it to prevent it from leaking. It's a whopping 32 ounce too. It's got all the bells and whistles.

  • Rhonda Loftis - I do not like tap water though

    I have been avoiding buying a filter for our LG fridge because of the outrageous price. I do not like tap water though. I have been buying bottled water for years. I was very impressed by this filter. First of all, it's only half the cost of name brand filters. But it does just as good of a job. It decreases the taste of chlorine, rust, lead, ect. The water tastes exactly like bottled water. The filter also decreases the odor that can start to occur when rust and lead build up in your tank. The filter was very quick and easy to install. It is good for up to 300 gallons of water too. This filter will last twice the amount of time as name brand ones. These filters are much more cost effective than buying name brand filters or buying bottled water. I am very pleased!