XXII ELGQ - XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química - XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química :: XXII ELGQ 9-11 de novembro de 2016 Bragança Portugal

Country:, Europe, PT

City: -9.1333 Lisbon, Portugal

  • Sarah - Cheap looking

    This fits fine and is comfortable but looks a lot cheaper in person. The fabric is single layer ribbed cotton, and the stitching is exposed on the cuffs and the bottom hems. Wouldn't be so bad except the ivory/purple combo the offwhite stitching shows really obviously on the purple. Just a cheap look. The cuffs I can roll a little and they won't show so I will probably keep this but it's not as sharp a look as i wanted

  • N. Luchsinger - The last first world problem is solved.

    This works exactly as they claim. Also makes a hilarious-yet-useful gift. The only real question is whether this is actually a problem worth solving. At home, maybe not. At work, I would happily take a small pay cut if they stocked every bathroom with these.

  • Lucy Laud - Cheap in many ways.

    Pros. Love the concept of saving on ink cartridges - both in terms of price and hassle of changing. It makes ink a lot cheaper - obviously a good thing.

  • ZoneIII - Not impressed.

    After reading reviews of this product, I decided to try it on my lawn mower engine. There's a YT video where someone does a similar test. (It's an excellent video!) However, I didn't get the same results. I first inspected the piston for carbon build-up before using this product as recommended (and as done in the video mentioned above) but, unlike that video, I saw no difference in the carbon deposits after using Sea Foam. My inspection was done with a fiber optic camera as was done in the video.